Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Has Your Social Security Disability Claim Been Denied?

Las Vegas Social Security Disability and SSI Claims

Was your Las Vegas social security claim or SSI claim denied? Contact a Las Vegas Social Security Attorney at the Law Offices of Gerald M. Welt

You are disabled if you have physical or mental health problems or a combination of problems severe enough to keep you from working in a regular, paying job for at least 12 months. If you have been denied benefits by the Social Security Administration for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income you have the right to file for Reconsideration or a Hearing. You may be entitled to benefits and you have the right to legal representation to help you analyze your case and prepare for a Hearing. Fees are normally paid directly to the attorney out of past due benefits from the Federal government when your case is settled. There is no charge for your initial consultation.

If you have a Las Vegas social security claim or if you would like to file for Reconsideration or a Hearing, please contact our Las Vegas social security disability lawyer for a free consultation.